100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500 ml

CHF 28,35

Weight: 500g

Ingredients: Produced from the pressing of selected olives

Informazioni sul prodotto

Nutritional Information 100g 85g⁽¹⁾ %DV⁽²⁾/85g
Energy 3762 kJ  kJ %
899 kcal  kcal %
Fat 99.9 g  g %
of which Saturated Fat 14.46 g g %
Carbohydrates 0 g  g %
of which Sugars 0 g  g %
Fiber 0 g  g
Proteins 0 g  g %
Salt 0 g g %
⁽¹⁾ 85g = 1 serving. The package contains approximately —? servings
⁽²⁾ DV = Daily Value for an average adult (8400 kJ/2000 kcal)

For any type of food preparation.

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